Welcome to our Presentation & Training site

The International Dyslexia Association-Oregon Branch is pleased to offer professional development and presentations throughout Oregon and SW Washington.  Over the past six years, our presentations have been offered as in-service programs for educators at all levels of K-12 private and public schools.  Additionally, we have addressed university faculty and students, mental health counselors, public library programs, service clubs, and parent organizations.  With groups ranging in size from 10-150 participants, IDA-Oregon has reached over 4000 participants in Oregon and SW Washington.  

We are able to tailor presentations to the size and background of your audience and to the physical facilities of your meeting location. Simulation volunteers have included psychologists, educators, reading specialists, structured language/multisensory tutors, speech-language pathologists, individuals with dyslexia, and parents of children with learning disabilities.

Questions?  Please email


ODE-Approved Understanding and Recognizing Dyslexia

Oregon Department of Education Approved.  Dyslexia Training Opportunity for teachers and any interested stakeholder who wants to help Oregon students reach their full potential.  This training meets the focus area of understanding and recognizing dyslexia as described in Senate Bill 612/1003

Overview:  Participants will experience a simulation of the dyslexic learner, hear from our award-winning student panel, and engage in an informative, interactive presentation on understanding and recognizing dyslexia.  Time:  4 Hours

Components of the training aligned with the International Dyslexia Association’s Knowledge and Practice Standards. 

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Approved By


Award-Winning Student Panel

Participants hear directly from an articulate panel of students on their personal experience with dyslexia in the classroom and home; what helps them and what does not. Audience members may ask questions.

Additionally, our students offer an interactive Assistive Technology 101 presentation that immerses participants in the tools that support students with dyslexia. Participants will rotate between stations to see students giving live demonstrations on helpful technology such as: audiobooks, speech-to-text, multimedia note-taking, homework organizers, and Chrome extensions using phones, iPads, laptops, and more.

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Simulation: Walk in the Shoes of A Dyslexic

Participants experience the power of empathy as they take part in a variety of activities that mimic the learning experiences and associated frustration and anxiety that students with dyslexia face on a daily basis.  Time:  2 Hours

Five simulations will show you how it feels to have a learning challenge caused by any one of the various types of language based learning differences. This experience will improve your understanding of the challenges students encounter.

Click here for more information

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Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties – Colorado Department of Education

Free self-study online course based on The Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties by David A Kilpatrick
  • Complete all 13 modules: Participants who engage in all thirteen modules will be provided a comprehensive learning experience encompassing research, impact, and critical elements of assessing, preventing, and overcoming reading difficulties.
  • Complete individual modules: Participants may view a session/s for specific information and guidance on topics related to assessing, preventing and overcoming reading difficulties.
  • Complete as a book or chapter study: Participants may view all or part or the series as a tandem companion or supplemental resource for supporting a study of the book: The Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties (Kilpatrick, 2015)
At this time, this series is NOT set up for participants to receive any credit hours. 
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Introduction to Structured Literacy

Research has shown that explicit, systematic, phonics-based approaches are necessary for many children to “break the code” of our language and become proficient readers and spellers. Unfortunately, the training provided in most teacher preparation programs is not sufficient to ensure that teachers become proficient in the use of structured literacy approaches, so it is important to seek out such training as part of one’s ongoing professional development.

Participants are introduced to an overview of the content and process of Structured Literacy and why it is effective with any struggling reader, particularly our students with dyslexia.

Click here for more information

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Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers

Participants will be introduced to the IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for teachers, IDA’s evidence-based guidelines that enable educators to teach all students to read proficiently.  Resources for further, more in-depth study of the standards will be provided.

Click here for 2018 Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading

Click here for 2018 Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading (in Spanish)

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  IDA’s Annual International Conference is the premier professional development conference dedicated to dyslexia. The conference brings in experts from all over the world to educate attendees on the latest research, remediation, and more.

The Reading, Literacy & Learning Conference is held for both professionals and families and is attended by some 2,500 teachers, educators, and administrators, reading specialists, researchers, university faculty, psychologists, physicians, tutors, and parents.

The four-day conference includes the following:

  • Four general sessions with keynote speakers
  • Full- and half-day pre-conference symposia
  • Over 100 sessions
  • Exhibit Hall
  • Networking opportunities
  • Social events
  • Visits to local schools
  • And much more!






“This was a great reminder for me. I have several students who struggle with this along with learning English! This is also great perspective for more patience working with my own son and his assignments.”

“The simulations were a great way to show teachers what students with dyslexia feel/experience.”

“I could definitely feel empathy toward people who struggle with dyslexia. I also felt guilty of saying some of the same things the presenters were saying when I was struggling to complete the tasks.”

“After this morning’s simulations, I feel even greater of a need to ensure that I am providing the BEST support that I can for the students that I case manage as they access their general education courses. I wish we had more training sessions like this… so meaningful!”


If you find these presentations & trainings helpful…please kindly Donate so that we can continue to offer these services in the future!